2014 Youth Camp


Please find below important information about participating in the 2014 Youth Camp.


Sunday, July 6: 4:00 PM (Please do not come early)
Sunday, July 13: 4:00 PM


Sunday, July 13 - 2:00 PM
Saturday, July 19 - 2:00 PM

Note: On Sunday, July 13th and Saturday, July 19th, there will be a Divine Liturgy at 10:30 AM with a 'Farewell Lunch' afterward for everyone including the parents/guardians. EVERYONE IS WELCOME.

Medication: All campers’ medicines must be noted on the registration form and turned over to the Camp Nurse upon check-in. Please specify directions for administration of medication on the registration form (e.g. when, how often and how the medication must be taken). If an epipen
is required, then we suggest that two be brought along.

Health: Camp St. Basil is regularly inspected by the County of Westaskiwin Health Department.

Canteen: As no money is allowed in camp, a “credit” or Canteen is established for every camper at registration time. This amount, which is not to exceed $12.00/week  ($2.00/Canteen Day) allows the camper to purchase snacks/treats each day, Monday to Saturday.

Phone Calls: Approval will only be given to calls which are of a serious nature and will be restricted to after supper.

Campers Should Bring: Bedding or sleeping bag, pillow, 2 towels, toiletries, 2 pairs of shoes (runners and sandals), watershoes, clothing for at least 7 days (indoor & recreational, for fair or rainy weather), modest 1 piece bathing suit, hat, sunglasses, insect repellant, sun screen, pens & pencils, note-book, and reading material. LABEL EVERYTHING.

Campers SHOULD NOT bring: ipods, Cell phones, radios, CD/DVD Players or anything electronic. iPODS and CELLPHONES WILL BE CONFISCATED and held until the end of camp. Other items not to bring: matches, lighters, knives, valuables or money. Unapproved items are subject to confiscation until the end of camp. The camp will not be responsible for any lost items.


Two Weeks: First Camper - $410.00, Additional Campers - $350.00
One Week: First Camper - $205.00, Additional Campers - $175.00
Note: additional campers must be brothers or sisters of the first camper.

FOR APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED AFTER JUNE 15, Please ADD $50.00 for each registrant.

Make cheques payable to “St. Basil Camp Youth Summer Program”. Send the complete registration form with cheque to:

Fr. Ireneus
St. Basil’s Parish
7007 – 109 Street
Edmonton, AB T6H 3B9

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: To make this camp a success, adults over the age of 18 are needed. Volunteers have the opportunity to enjoy new friendships just as the campers do. Join us! Contact Fr. Ireneus by May 30th at 780-434-8010 or st.basils@shawbiz.ca. Note that new volunteers need to submit a completed police check form. Note: Adult volunteers with children at the camp will receive a 50% discount on their children’s camp registration fees. Please click here to view the Volunteer Form.

REGISTER EARLY! Limited number of spots are available.

Please download the 2014 Youth Camp Brochure for more information.